Klement gottwald born

Gottwald code geass

Childhood and youth Klement Gottwald was born on 23 November 1896, but it is unclear if in Dědice (today part of Vyškov) or in Hoštice-Heroltice.
klement gottwald born

Gottwald company

Klement Gottwald was born on November 23rd 1896 and died 54 years ago on March 14th 1953.

Klement gottwald cz

Horoscope and astrology data of Klement Gottwald born on 22 November 1896 Damborice, Czechoslovakia, with biography.

Klement gottwald biography
Klement Gottwald was born in the South Moravian village of Dedice on November 23rd 1896, the son of a peasant woman.